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How to get windirstat to detect problems with your drive?

It's not uncommon for a small disk drive to go bad. As with any piece of equipment, there are some things you can do to make sure it lasts longer and doesn't cause problems.

If you are like me and don't want to pay for something that can be done with free software, then you are probably looking for an alternative way to get WinDirStat to detect problems with your drive.

I wrote this article to explain how WinDirStat can help you identify the problems on your drive, and I'll show you where to get it for free.

With a little help, WinDirStat can detect problems with your drive.It can show important data in an easy-to-read graphical interface.

The second thing I would recommend doing is downloading the latest version of WinDirStat. This will allow you to run a quick scan of your hard drive and look for problems while you are at it!

How to get windirstat to detect problems with your drive
How to get windirstat to detect problems with your drive

What is WinDirStat?

Windirstat is a great tool to use if you are having problems with your drive. It is a great tool to use because it has a great interface and many users. This software will detect any problems with your drive.

Windirstat has been around for years and it is still one of the best tools to use when you are having issues with your computer. Windirstat will tell you if there are any errors on your hard drive, which can be good or bad depending on the situation.

If there are errors, then this means that there may be an issue with the data on your hard drive and it could lead to data loss so this is something that you should fix as soon as possible.

Windirstat is a free and open-source software for Microsoft Windows that analyzes the drive usage of a computer system.

How to get WinDirStat?

Windirstat is a free and open-source tool that can be used to detect problems with your hard drive. It can be downloaded from the windirstat website for Windows computers.

The installation instructions are simple: just download the program, unzip it and run it from wherever you have installed Windows.

Windirstat uses a two-step process that makes it easy to find out where problems lie: first you install Windirstat on your computer using an executable file (.exe), then run it after restarting the application itself should all be working fine again.

Install WinDirStat

Windirstat is a hard drive recovery tool that helps you identify and fix problems with your computer or hard drive.

You can use it to fix errors and recover files from a damaged hard drive, but it will also help you identify other types of issues such as bad sectors or errors in the file system.

To download and install Windirstat:

1. Open up Windows Explorer. This is the standard program for viewing files on your computer, so no matter what type of operating system you use this tutorial will work for all three platforms! If you don't know how to open these programs then check out our guide here: How To Access Your Computer's Files & Folders .

2. Navigate down into C:\users\yourusername\documents folder where all your documents are stored—this is where we'll find our windirstat installation file called "windirstat_setup_win32".

3. If there isn't one yet then click on "New Folder" at bottom left corner; this creates one automatically since there wasn't anything else named yet before starting up an instance using these steps (the option will appear under "Create New Folder").

4. If there was already one named something similar like “My Documents” then rename it instead by right clicking over its icon then selecting Rename and install it.

Run WinDirStat

Windirstat is a graphical tool that can be used to determine the health of your hard drive. Windirstat is a command line tool, so you will need access to a command prompt or terminal window on your computer.

To run WinDirStat:

  • Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt (CMD)

  • Type in “windirstat” and press Enter

How to use windirstat?

1. Windirstat is a free utility that scans your hard drive and displays the problems on a chart. The first time you run Windirstat, it will take a few minutes to complete its scan.

2. After this initial run, however, you can easily access all of your results through the same interface.

3. In fact, if you have multiple drives or operating systems installed on your computer (Windows 10, 8 or 7), there are separate versions of Windirstat for each platform!

4. So if one device has issues and another doesn't—or vice versa—you'll know exactly where (or even if) any issues lie without having to experiment with different settings in order compare results between platforms/OSes separately.

Locate the problem on WinDirStat

Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to use Windirstat. Simply select the files that are causing you issues and delete or move them to another partition.

If you still don't see any improvement, try emptying your recycle bin before running Windirstat again. If this doesn't resolve the issue, try rebooting your PC in Safe Mode (which isn't harmful).

Windirstat is a free tool that can help you diagnose hard drive problems on Windows PCs. It uses real-time analysis of data traffic between different parts of your system to identify what's causing issues with performance or stability—and even tells you how much space each file actually takes up!

Select the files

Now that you have selected the files you want to delete, it's time to choose how you'd like the files deleted. The following options are available:

1. All files - Select all the files in your drive and then click on "Delete".

2. By date - This will only delete older versions of files. You can also use this option if there is a specific date when a file was created or modified by selecting from three years back or more than that, depending on how far back you wish to go with your search.

3. By size - Select which size range of data is being deleted based on their current size - large or small etc.

4. By type - Choose whether or not these are regular folders/subfolders consisting solely of text documents or videos/images etc.

Delete or move them

Delete the files:

  • If you are a Windows user, delete the file and then restart your computer.

  • If you’re not sure whether or not it’s safe to delete them, move them to another folder that has been emptied of all data and then restart your computer again.

Empty Recycle Bin

When you delete a file in your Recycle Bin, it is permanently deleted. This means that if you empty the Recycle Bin and then empty your trash can, there will be no record of this file anywhere on your computer or hard drive.

To permanently delete files:

  • Open Windirstat and click "Start."

  • Click "Recycle Bin" in the left pane. The right pane shows all of the files in this bin (including ones that were moved elsewhere by other programs).

  • Right-click any item listed here and choose "Delete permanently."

Use WinDirStat to diagnose hard drive issues.

Windirstat is a tool that you can use to analyze the contents of your hard drive. It will show you which files take up the most space, and which ones are taking up space on your drive.

  • Open the utility. On Windows, go to "Start Menu" > "All Programs" > "Accessories" > "System Tools" and click on the program's icon.

  • Select the drive you want to analyze.

Precautions while using WinDirStat

  • Avoid using WinDirStat on a drive that is in use. If another program (such as Windows Search) is accessing the same drive with WinDirStat, it may cause problems with your indexing and reporting.

  • Don't run WinDirStat from an elevated command prompt or administrative account. You could end up corrupting your system files unless you're certain that no other programs are accessing the same file system when you run WinDirStat.

Other information you need to know about WinDirStat

Windirstat is a free utility for windows that can be used to get detailed information about your hard drive. Windirstat is a graphical user interface for the command line program fdisk, which is part of Windows.

Windirstat provides a simple but powerful means of viewing disk statistics such as:

  • Free space (GB)

  • Used space (GB)

  • Total sectors and total bytes per sector


In conclusion, it is important to note that almost all drive problems will be detected by Windirstat. Some problems are so small that the sensor cannot detect them; others may be too large for the sensor to detect. If you suspect that your drive has a problem, we recommend taking your drive in for an examination by a professional technician before proceeding with any repairs or replacements.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us. We would love to help!

Thank you!


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